Author Archives: Diana Dracea

In Choir Formation!

Winter’s events brings new repertoire! In preparation for Charity Lunchtime Concert and God’s House Tower.  During the past few weeks I co-worked with Fiona on ‘blending’. This is the KEY technique in any ensemble work. Practising different voice qualities can really change the whole intention of a song. Singing can be ‘spoken’, ‘cried’, ‘shouted’ and so on! These elements bring colour and diversity into a performance.  Looking forward to the WINTER PERFORMANCES!!   

Music in the City 2017

Music in the City in Guildhall Square, Southampton, 7th October.  As an intern, I was able to watch the choir from their early rehearsals and acknowledge their progression and ability to blend and sustain great dynamics as well as working brilliantly as an ensemble. The choir created an upbeat ambience, inducing the audience with energy and emotion, which all members claimed to have felt and enjoyed through singing and performance. Amazing choir conductor Fiona Funnel is leading with full energy and dedication at the festival. Continue reading →

Performance Preparation with Delicious Sounds Choir

This week was another vocal preparation for the performances on Saturday the 7th of October at the Southampton Central Library and Guildhall Square. It is remarkable how each member dedicated their full energy and modelled their vocal abilities to fit each genre of music. My input as an intern was to help the choir achieve a clean ‘ooh’ vowel sound by offering some tips and tricks on healthy articulation and tongue positioning. My next mission is to bring more material relating to vowel shaping and vocal Continue reading →

Internship with Delicious Sounds Choir

Second week with Delicious Sounds Choir and as Fiona’s intern. The choir is diligently working for their performance at the Southampton Central Library and Guildhall Square on the 7th of October. Looking forward to hear their voices harmoniously blending together, which shows off the hard work and enthusiasm each member brings to the choir.