Welcome to Delicious Sounds

Delicious Sounds Choir is based slightly to the north of Southampton city centre, and draws members from all over the city and beyond. There are no auditions, all songs are taught by ear, and we sing in 4 or 5 part harmony without accompaniment. Look out for our performances, or come and join us in rehearsals on Monday evenings.

" Thank you so much for energising all of us... Where do you get all your enthusiasm and energy from? Well done you, Fiona! - what a woman!" Annie A, Choir member.
"Singing with Fiona is a total joy. She combines a high level of professionalism with a delightful sparkly warmth, fine-tuning our voices into a truly delicious sound". Sharon, Choir member.

Get In Touch  

Open to everyone

Singing with Delicious Sounds involves no auditions. You do need to be able to hold a tune while the person next to you is singing another harmony. You don’t have to be able to read music as Fiona and the other co-teachers will guide you through learning your song part.

This is seriously fun singing!

Latest news

Winter Concert, Sunday 8th December, 2pm at Peartree Church.

Entrance; £10, including a galls of mulled wine/juice and a mince pie.

Book tickets here.

We are celebrating ten years of Delicious Sounds Choir throughout this year. Our Winter concert is in support of CLEAR Project (City Life Education and Action for Refugees).

Delicious Sounds Choir are delighted to be returning to Jesus Chapel, on Peartree Green. With guest musician Julian Harrow.




Next year and beyond


On Monday 9th September.

Looking for a choir to join? This session is free to new singers.

If you can hold a tune, love to sing in harmony, and are passionate about performing, come along to St Mark’s Church Centre, Archers Road, SO15 2LU.

Book your free place here.